
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Civil War Mini Quiz 3-24 - Station 4

Civil War Mini Quiz - 
Formative Grade

Read the directions FIRST then 
Click on link to complete Mini Quiz

After clicking on link below -
 enter the following room number in box on the bottom right corner of page.

Enter room number TMS221

Civil War 3-24 - Station 3

The Civil War Timeline of Events
Put these events in order using a FLOW CHART

  • Lincoln Assassinated
  • Firing at Ft. Sumter
  • Battle of Vicksburg
  • Lee surrenders at Appomattox
  • Battle of Antietam
  • Battle of Gettysburg
  • Gettysburg Address
  • South Carolina Seceded
  • 13th Amendment ends slavery

Key People of the Civil War 3-24 -Station 2

Use the notes below to fill in the blanks on your worksheet.

Robert E. Lee (1807-1870) Lee gained recognition for his military leadership during the Civil War. A soldier who graduated second in his class at West Point, Lee served in the Mexican War and worked as an engineer with the Army Corps of Engineers. When the South seceded, Lincoln offered Lee the command of Union forces but Lee refused, resigned from the U.S. Army, and returned to Virginia to serve with the Confederate forces. In 1862 Lee was appointed to command the Army of Northern Virginia. He surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse in 1865. 

Jefferson Davis (1808-1889) President of the Confederate States of America, Jefferson Davis was educated at West Point and served on the frontier during the 1830s. He also volunteered in the Mexican War. He represented Mississippi in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate and was secretary of war from 1853 to 1857. He was appointed provisional president and then was elected president of the confederacy. He was demanding, did not tolerate disagreement, interfered in military matters, and did not select effective subordinates. Regardless, he managed to hold the confederacy together despite the lack of consensus among southerners. 

Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885) Commander of the Union army during the Civil War. He graduated from West Point, served in the Mexican War, and then resigned from the military after serving in posts on the west coast. He was commissioned as a colonel at the start of the Civil War. By September 1861 he was promoted to general. After a series of victories, including the capture of Vicksburg, Lincoln gave him command of the Union army. He created an overall plan concentrated on Sherman's march through Georgia and his own assault on the Confederate army in Virginia. Grant accepted Lee's surrender in 1865, ending the war. 

Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) Abraham Lincoln served as president of the United States during the Civil War. He managed to preserve the unity of the United States and took steps to abolish slavery, but was assassinated before he could implement post-war plans. He began his political career by serving four terms in the Illinois state legislature beginning in 1834. He served one term as representative from Illinois to the U.S. House of Representatives. He was elected the sixteenth President in 1860, re-elected in 1864, and assassinated in 1865. He helped build the Republican Party. His Gettysburg Address, delivered in November 1863 at the dedication of the national cemetery at the Civil War battlefield, called for national unity despite obstacles. He began the process of freeing slaves in the Confederate states when he issued his Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. His most lasting influence remains the Thirteenth Amendment, ratified in December 1865, months after his death. It banned slavery throughout the United States. 

William Carney (1842-1908) Sgt. William H. Carney was the first African American to be awarded the Medal of Honor. Sgt. Carney served with the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry and took part in the July 18, 1863 assault on Fort Wagner in Charleston, South Carolina. He received his medal for saving the American flag and planting it on the parapet and holding it while the troops charged. He was wounded four times, but returned the flag to the lines, saying, "Boys, the old flag never touched the ground!"

Philip Bazaar (?-?) Seaman Philip Bazaar, born in Chile, South America, was a Union Navy seaman who was awarded the United States' highest military decoration for valor in combat - the Medal of Honor (1865)- for having distinguished himself during the battle for Fort Fisher of the American Civil War.

Key People of the Civil War 3-24 - Station 1

Key People of the Civil War
Many Individuals played key roles during the Civil War, 
several that had a direct influence on the outcome of the war.

Copy the following descriptions and tell me who accomplished them. 

1. President of the United States
2. President of the Confederate States of America
3. Final general of the Union Army
4. General of the Confederate Army
5.  Gifted tactician; commander in the Confederate Army
6. Runaway slave; soldier, Medal of Honor recipient
7. Chilean born sailor, Medal of Honor recipient
8. Writer of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" sung by the Union Troops

A. Julia Ward Howe
B. Stonewall Jackson
C. Ulysses S. Grant
D. William Carney
E. Philip Bazaar
F. Robert E. Lee
G. Abraham Lincoln
H. Jefferson Davis

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

3-19 CW Battles and TISSUE

Copy Notes below onto WHITE PAPER. 
Then answer question below and post your comment!

Civil War
  • Fort Sumter 4/12/1861 - (1. Battle that started the war (2. Fort in Charleston Harbor, S.C. (3. SC. seceded, Lincoln refused to surrender fort (4. No casualties (5. Led to four more states to secede - Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina  (6. Confederates fired 1st shot.
  • Battle of Antietam 1862 - (1. Bloodiest day of the war 23,000 wounded or dead (2. 6,000 soldiers killed in one day (3. Led Lincoln to issue Emancipation Proclamation.
  • Battle of Vicksburg 1863 - (1. Turning point in the war for the Union (2. Only a 47 day battle (3. Union victory splits confederacy into two (4. Gave Union control of Mississippi River.
  • Battle of Gettysburg 1863 - (1. 3 day battle in Pennsylvania July 1-3 (2. Lincoln gave famous speech here (3. Battle a turning point in war Union gaining control of war (4. Lincoln dedicated field to soldiers (5. Largest land battle in N. America (6. 60,000+ casualties
  • Appomattox Court House, Virginia 1865 - (1. Confederacy fall to Union army (2. Lee's Officers & soldiers surrendered and pardoned (3. Confederate arms collected by Union (4. Both generals sign treaty of surrender (5. War is officially over. 

Civil War Notes

T - Tarriffs = Tax on imported goods
I - Industry vs. Agriculture =North more manufacturing w/use of steam engines, South-Farming
S - Slavery = A person being forced to do free labor
S - States' Rights = Power given to states, such as nullification
U - Uncle Tom's Cabin = A book written by Harriet B. Stowe to show the cruelness of slavery
E - Election of 1860 =  Abraham Lincoln was elected president. He was against slavery.

Tell me what you learned from yesterday's activity in the gym? Give me TWO interested facts and what you like most about the activity.

post comment below

Sunday, March 16, 2014

3-14 Civil War - TISSUE

March 17, 2014


Today we learned about TISSUE, the causes of the Civil War. Please tell me in your own words:

1. What is TISSUE? 

2. How would you explain this to a friend who has no idea what TISSUE means?

Post your comments below.